Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Internetan tambah ngacir

Assalaamu'alaikum wrwb.

Siapa yang ngga seneng kalau internet bisa cepet?, Ada berbagai macam trik dan cara yang bisa kita praktekan. Salah satu yang bisa kita gunakan adalah menggunakan aplikasi yang bernama MDMA. Aplikasi ini tidak hanya bermanfaat memonitor sinyal tapi juga bisa kita gunakan agar internet yang menggunakan modem gsm jadi ngaciiiirr...jika area yang kita tempati tercakup sinyal HSDPA. Cara setting aplikasi ini sebagai berikut. Sebelum menjalankan aplikasi ini tutup dulu aplikasi bawaan modem, karena mdma tidak bisa mendeteksi port yang sedang digunakan oleh modem gsm kita. Jika sudah maka luncurkan mdmanya tampilan seperti gbr berikut.

No 1 pada gbr adalah kolom nama operator yang kita gunakan, no 2 nama sinyal yang sedang kita gunakan, no 3 type koneksi yang terdiri dari gprs/edge atau 3G. No 4 di isi dengan APN dari operator bersangkutan, nah sebagai langkah awal menggunakan mdma kita harus mengisi nama apn sesuai dengan operator yang kita gunakan. Kemudian klik Connect[no5], jika muncul keterangan seperti gambar di bawah maka kita harus membuat dial-up dulu. Tapi jika sudah ada maka langsung muncul jendela untuk memilih nama nama dial-up yang kita gunakan.

Klik oke untuk membuat dial-up, kemudian pilih "Dial-up to private network" seperti gbr dibawah.

Lanjutkan dengan klik Next dan isikan nomor untuk dial biasanya *99# untuk gsm.

Berikutnya klik next dan beri nama pada bagian "Finished" dengan nama sesuka kita.

Klik Finish dan langkah terakhir isikan bila perlu pada bagian "User name" dan "Password" sesuai dengan operator yang kita gunakan. Jangan lupa centang bagian "Save this user name and password for following users".

Jika sudah klik dial . Terakhir muncul Jendela koneksi lalu klik tombol "Connect" untuk melakukan sambungan.

Nah sekarang bagaimana caranya agar inet jadi ngacir menggunakan aplikasi ini? begini triknya...
Sebelum tersambung ubah dulu pada bagian "Connections Type"[no3 pd gbr] menjadi Gprs/Edge Only kemudian klik Apply. Kemudian lanjutkan dengan klik tombol connect terus connect lagi dan dial pada jendela yang muncul. Setelah tersambung coba buka browser kita kemudian ubah pada bagian "Connections Type"[no3 pd gbr] tadi menjadi 3G Only dan klik tombol Apply. Jika kita beruntung maka internetan kita tambah licin..hehehe... semoga

Catatan: Ini mungkin hanya berjalan Jika tempat tinggal kita tercakup sinyal HSDPA



Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Aplikasi pengubah sinyal modem gsm

Jika kita menggunakan modem gsm untuk berinternet ada aplikasi yang handal untuk memonitor kuat sinyal dan beberapa fungsi yang bisa kita manfaatkan. Dan yang sangat membantu adalah kita bisa merubah sinyal gsm tanpa memutus jaringan internet yang sedang tersambung. Misal pertama kita jalankan menggunakan jaringan gprs/edge, ketika sudah terhubung keinternet kita bisa merubah sinyal ke 3G. Begitu juga sebaliknya tanpa memutus jaringan. Dan dibalik itu semua aplikasi ini bisa membantu kita untuk tetap bisa menikmati layanan salah satu operator selluler yang membatasi kuota internet kita, seperti semasa masih dalam masa kuota belum habis. Maksude tetep lumayan kenceng walaupun kuota habis.....hehe nayamul alias lumayan. Aplikasi yang punya nama MDMA ini mendukung banyak type dari merk modem Huawai kalau merk lain saya kurang tau soale saya hanya mencoba dengan modem Huawai ini. Sifatnya yang ringan tidak banyak memakan sumber daya system. Layak untuk kita gunakan disandingkan dengan modem gsm kesayangan.



Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Cara gampang membuat animasi

Jaman sekarang memang jaman instan. Bukan hanya makanan tapi juga program berbagai ilmu juga bisa didapat dengan cara instan. Jika dulu membuat animasi memerlukan ketlatenan dan njelimet [rumit] walaupun aminasi sederhana. Tapi sekarang tinggal drag dan dreg, gesar dan geser...tralalala..jadi dah. Gunakan saja aplikasi yang punya merk Pivot Stickfigure Animator . Sobat bisa unduh di sini monggo silakan di explore imajinasi panjenengan untuk membuat animasi yang menarik. Lalu bagikan dengan teman-teman.......selamat berexperiment

Untuk tutorialnya banyak bertebaran di Youtube, ini ada sample sederhana. Jangan di ketawain yah...hehehe



Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Salah satu cara agar komputer lebih responsif

Assalaamu'alaikum wr wb

Banyak jalan dan cara agar komputer lebih gegas menangani aplikasi yang kita jalankan, mungkin salah satu yang bisa kita lakukan adalah mengupdate driver. Selain mengupdate system agar lebih kebal dari serangan malware, sekiranya kita juga perlu memperbaharui driver yang terpasang di PC kita. Driver sendiri adalah istilah teknologi informasi yang mengacu kepada komponen yang mengizinkan sebuah sistem untuk berkomunikasi dengan sebuah perangkat keras. Sebagian besar perangkat keras, tidak akan dapat berjalan atau sama sekali tidak dapat berjalan tanpa driver yang cocok yang terinstal di dalam sistem operasi. Jadi jika kita memungkinkan, kenapa saya bilang memungkinkan? ya soalnya kita membutuhkan akses internet untuk melakukannya, ada baiknya kita mengupdatenya. Dengan harapan jika kita meng-anyarkan driver, PC kita lebih setabil sebab biasanya perusahaan pembuat peripheral komputer memperbaiki software driver dari produk mereka. Nah untuk melakukan hal tersebut kita tak perlu pusing-pusing mencari secara manual driver apa saja yang terpasang pada pc kita. Dan juga tak perlu repot-repot mencari satu persatu di internet. Cukup menggunakan aplikasi gratis yang bisa digunakan tidak hanya mencari dan mencacah driver yang terdapat di pc kita, tapi juga sekaligus bisa mencari dan mendownload driver yang terbaru dan yang sesuai dengan perangkat yang kita gunakan. Enak kan? cukup klik dan klik. Di samping itu bisa membackup driver yang sudah terpasang, agar seandainya dalam mengupdate terjadi error karena suatu hal maka kita bisa mengembalikan driver backupan kita tersebut. Nama aplikasinya adalah Smart Driver Updater, masih versi beta memang, tapi sangat membantu kita yang ingin memperbarui driver perangkat komputer. Berikut cuplikan gambarnya...



Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

What Is High Speed Internet Service?

Written By: Rick D. Monroe

The days of slow internet connections are gradually coming to an end. Internet users are increasingly finding sources for “high speed” internet access which makes loading pages and performing downloads much faster.

What is high speed internet service? High speed internet service refers to any internet service that transfers data faster than your standard 56K telephone modem. However, high speed internet can be divided into two broad groups which for our purposes here we will call “high speed internet” and Broadband.

By this definition, “High speed internet” service uses your standard telephone dial-up modem to access the internet and ties up the telephone line while you are on the net. However, this high speed internet service is typically 4 to 5 times faster than your standard dial-up service as the result of “data compression”. Typically you will pay
around $5.00 more per month for high speed internet service than you will for standard dial-up service. Some internet service providers, such as AOL and Netscape, offer high speed service at no extra charge.

In comparison, broadband uses DSL (Digital Service Line), cable, satellite, or radio towers to access the internet. Onlike “high speed internet”, broadband does not tie up your telephone line while you are on the net, is up to 70 times faster than standard dial-up service and is always online. There is no need to wait for your modem to dial
in to the internet whenever you want to get online. This is true even of DSL which transforms your standard copper telephone lines into digital data carriers. Broadband providers usually charge a fee for installation services and of course the monthly service fee is higher than for either standard dial-up service or high speed internet service.

Which high speed internet or broadband service is the correct one for you depends on how much you want to spend, how important download speed is to you and which services are available in your area.

To learn more about the companies that offer high speed internet service and the details of what they offer, visit high-speed-internet.biz



Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Keep Viruses and Hackers Out of Your Windows XP Computer With a Simple Little Task

One of the easiest things you can do to help protect your computer and data, if you have windows XP is to use the limited and administrator account options. In Windows NT, 2000 and XP. You have the option of these types of computer accounts.

Running your windows sessions under a limited account will help protect your data. This type of account can stop anything from getting into the system files of windows. You see, windows has important files that should never be messed with. Think of these files as the engine that runs windows. When you get a virus, it can mess with these files and cause your computer to stop working all together.

The administrator account has full access to the computer and system files. If you get a virus under this account, it has full access to your computer and can do as it pleases. This is why it is so important to run under a limited account when you use your computer. You can perform other things like installing software under the admin account.

There have even been a couple of times when I got lazy and decided to run my computer under admin all the time and you guessed it, I paid the price. I lost data and all sorts of things. Believe me, its not fun starting over again from scratch.

Do yourself a favor and learn this all important little task right away and save yourself from paying any high computer repair bills in the future.

Here's what to do if you have a new computer and you are not sure if you running under admin. Go to the start menu and then control panel. Once in the control panel, choose user accounts. Find your name and under it you will see that it says either limited or admin account. If you only have one account and it reads admin, then you will need to create another account and choose limited.

Windows comes installed with an admin account by default. If you already have your own name account, then just check to see which type it is. If it is an admin account then you should change your screen name to a limited account. However, before you do this make sure you know what the admin's accounts password is so you can get in there to perform any admin functions if you need to.

If you are still not sure about how to do this, you can look under the windows help file for more information, in the help box just type in user accounts. You can also find a friend who is knowledgeable about computers to help you or call your computer manufacturer.

Just by doing this simple little task you can save yourself a lot of grief in the future from most viruses.

Source: Free Articles


How you can Reset the Password of your Computer If you have Forgotten Your Login Information

If you've forgotten the password to Windows, it implies that you can not get use of your model. The situation is that because the password of your respective system certainly is the primary line of defense towards undesired eyes, in the event you forget the password, you can use "forgotten password" purpose to remove or switch the password on the premise which you have one other account or person, or even the default administrator is not password-protected likewise as you have followed the guidebook of Windows to create a password reset disk ahead of time. Or else, there is certainly only 1 true technique to fix it - recover or reset it.

The way in which in which "resetting" functions would be to harmlessly get rid of the saved password out of your model, creating Windows imagine that you do not have a very password in the slightest degree, allowing you to log in. The nice news is when you've got been locked out of a Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7 computer, then you can use a Windows Login Recovery device to regain use of your strategy.

The way to reset Windows 7 password of the Personal computer is really exceptionally fairly simple. The simple fact is the fact that all Windows methods retail outlet their passwords inside same exact way - in a very set of identical files & settings on your hard drive. Normally, these files are strictly off limits from inside the Windows system, but once you are able to use a program that gains use of them outside of Windows, you possibly can in fact remove/change the password settings stored for the files, allowing your desktop computer to log you back in without causing any damage or loss of data in your procedure.

Fortunately, there's now a series of programs that have come to be quite preferred by going online, which will automatically reset the password of your Computer for you. These programs work by loading up before Windows does, and then changing the various files & settings which contain your passwords. They are known as "DOS" programs, considering that they essentially load up before the Windows GUI (graphical user interface) loads, change the files which contain your passwords, and then allow you to log in again. If this sounds complicated, never be alarmed - the most widespread Windows Login Recovery program has been designed to be a "3 step" strategy, meaning you can install it on a Computer you've got use of, let it burn a bootable CD and then it will automatically reset or recover Windows 7 password. You are able to download this tool from the Internet, and it operates on all versions of Windows.

Learn more from:http://www.windowsloginrecovery.com/

Article Source: http://www.1888articles.com/author-genny-42145.html



Computer Hardware Preventive Maintenance Software

Written By: Jennifer Bailey

Computers often break down at the worst of all times. These problems can be averted, or at least minimized with preventive maintenance. Several methods of keeping computer hardware in good working order deal with the external components of the computer, such as the keyboard and monitor. For example, it is important to keep the processor away from excess heat and moisture. There are also computer hardware preventive maintenance software programs that can help with the upkeep of other internal aspects of a computer.

While it is rare to find a CMMS that works on all of a computers hardware, many different programs can be utilized simultaneously. Some computers have periodic automatic updates available that can be downloaded and used to improve the computers performance. Other software programs, known as disk defragmenters, manage hard drive space so that software programs take less time to access. Programs known as hardware diagnostic utilities can check the computers hardware components and alert the user about any potential failures. Since some new hardware will not always work on all computers and could cause existing hardware to malfunction, it is important to have a CMMS program to ensure that the new hardware is compatible with existing hardware.

Antivirus programs are another important component of computer hardware preventive maintenance software. Computer viruses have become increasingly common in recent years and can render a good computer useless. While computer viruses mainly attack software programs, they can ruin hardware as well. Several manufacturers make reliable antivirus software. A couple of well-known companies are Norton and McAfee. As with much preventive maintenance software, these programs are usually available for a free trial period before the user must pay a subscription fee.

Computer hardware preventive maintenance software is necessary to keep computers in good working order. This software manages aspects of computer hardware that would be difficult and time-consuming for even the most computer savvy users.

About the Author: Preventive Maintenance Software features detailed information on preventive maintenance software for health care and correctional institutions. For more information go to http://www.e-preventivemaintenancesoftware.com and/or visit its sister site at http://www.e-fleetmaintenancesoftware.com for related information.

Source: www.isnare.com



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